We're hosting our 15th annual EVERYSEEKER festival (fka OBEY Convention) in beautiful Kjipuktuk | Halifax, Nova Scotia, and digitally/virtually everywhere, on the weekend of June 09-12 2022.

Our festival is a carefully curated affair functioning as a sonic poem; connecting artists, ideas and audiences, creating genuine spaces of listening, learning and celebration. We are a small non-profit organization that champions music and sound as a spiritual, political and transcendent experience. Our main focus is music, but we’re also interested in sound art, performance art, facilitation, education and film/video work as it pertains to sonic exploration.

We are inviting folks to submit an application for both in-person and virtual sonic performances, installations, and educational workshops. If you have a specific idea for content and form, please present it in detail. If you have a general theme you'd like to explore, but are unsure of the exact content and form, that's okay too. Most importantly, you should:

- state your intention
- present a critical / uplifting / challenging perspective
- describe how your event might include community / audience / participants
- and if you interested in presenting your work digitally or in-person

We intend to center voices from the margins and ideas from the fringes. EVERYSEEKER will continue to prioritize applications received from marginalized communities often underrepresented in the creative sector, and have included an opportunity to self-identify in the form below.

All projects selected for our festival will be supported and compensated financially. Allotted budget will be assessed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to include any specific fees or needs foreseeable for your project at this point.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday January 13th, 2022.

Submissions will be considered by our Programming Committee, led by Board liaison, James Adeyami, in collaboration with our co-directors, Nik Basset and Carmel Farahbakhsh. Any information shared will be kept confidential.

Everyone who submits will receive a response from us in due course, but please be patient, these things take time!

If anything about this process presents a challenge/barrier for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to:
Nik Basset (they/them), EVERYSEEKER Co-Director | nik@everyseeker.com

Find the form here.


Annual General Meeting RSVP


Sept 16: Century Egg, Surrounded, & DJ Sivani