Annual General Meeting RSVP
get in!! we're going to EVERYSEEKER's Annual General Meeting!!
This is a great opportunity for Members and friends of the festival to hear about what we've been up to over the last year - a very big year of adaptation and growth.
Highlight reel includes: our second digital festival; welcoming Shuvanjan Karmaker and rewelcoming Rachel Weldon to our Board of Directors; Riss is hired on as the Social Media Engagement Coordinator for ES2021 and as Media and Design Coordinator for ES2022; and our first live show since 2020 at the waterfront with local talent, DJ Sivani, Surrounded, and Century Egg!
Additionally, we will be having an election for new board members!
We are looking for new board members! If you are interested in becoming (more) involved with EVERYSEEKER, please consider applying by filling out the form.
[Image Description]: In the centre of a green-dithered background reads, "Annual General Meeting" in black bold font. Below this in smaller font, centred in a series of decorative brackets reads, "Wednesday March 30th 6:30PM AST". In the bottom right corner are dancing bunnies. In the top right corner reads, "EVERYSEEKER" and its logo in black.