Snack Witch

🔮 Snack Witch Joni Cheung 🍡 is a grateful, uninvited guest born—and knows she wants to die—on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm, Skwxwú7mesh, Stó:lō, and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh peoples. They are a Certified Sculpture Witch with an MFA from Concordia University (2023). She holds a BFA with Distinction in Visual Art (2018) from the School for the Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University. As a wicked #magicalgirl ✨ who eats art and makes snacks, she has exhibited and curated shows, off- and online, across Turtle Island. Currently, they are based on the stolen lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka peoples.
Their practice has been supported by numerous granting bodies, cultural organisations, and institutions, including the British Columbia Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, Struts Gallery, and Concordia University. Aside from art-making, Joni likes wandering down grocery store aisles and drinking bubble tea.




Sue Goyette